
Password Checker

Check your password

Enter a password in the box below and press the "check" button to analyze it. The aspects that it complies with and those that could be applied to make it more secure will be shown below.

Password Table

For further reference, below are the times it would take a hacker to brute force crack a password based on its length and structure.

Time it takes a hacker to brute force a password in 2022 Source: Hive Systems
Number of Characters Numbers Only Lowercase Letters Upper and Lowercase Letters Numbers, Upper and Lowercase Letters Numbers, Upper and Lowercase Letters, Symbols
6 Instantly Instantly Instantly Instantly Instantly
7 Instantly Instantly 2 s 7 s 31 s
8 Instantly Instantly 2 min 7 min 39 min
9 Instantly 10 s 1 h 7 h 2 d
10 Instantly 4 min 3 d 3 weeks 5 months
11 Instantly 2 h 5 months 3 years 34 years
12 2 s 2 d 24 years 200 years 3·103 years
13 19 s 2 months 1·103 years 12·103 years 202·103 years
14 3 min 4 years 64·103 years 750·103 years 16·106 years
15 32 min 100 years 3·106 years 46·106 years 1·109 years
16 5 h 3·103 years 173·106 years 3·109 years 92·109 years
17 2 d 69·103 years 9·109 years 179·109 years 7·1012 years
18 3 weeks 2·106 years 467·109 years 11·1012 years 438·1012 years